Zsolt doesn’t even have the time to react when Mira and Orsib jump on him and put him down like he wasn’t even standing in the first place. He might be a well-built guy, but these babes know exactly what to grab in order to put his face to the ground and stretch him out like a rug. tapping the floor? Doesn’t really help, the girls are too concentrated on hearing cracking sounds and seeing his face turn all red. Maybe the taste of their sweat flowing on his face is the salty impulse he needs to realize that he messed up his plan. Or maybe he actually enjoys being caught with his head between their strong legs and see how the lights are fading slowly. As a last resort he takes a boxer stand but ends up with a tight ass banging his crotch, and not even in the nice way he’d expect.
Video length: 17:12 min.
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