Even if from the first seconds it seemed like Zsolt can be the winner, as soon as he lost his eyes in Lana and Orsib’s cleavages, everything started to go down south for him. He does manage to keep his pride a bit longer, but now his face is buried in a lovely pair of tits and he can do nothing else than beg for air, in a perfect scissor grip from Orsib. Lana wants his share of fun also, and her busty ass is going to sit on his face in a swift move, letting him feel the scent of a true warriors. At this point it’s just teasing, leading him to think he can get away in one piece after all the bone breaking session. The girls are even amused by his trying. There are too many legs and arms around his neck to even count, but that’s the least of his problem now, since the girls are getting a bit turned on by this.
Video length: 29:49 min.
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