What are you trying here Slave, a boxing match? Don’t be a pussy and stop running away, come closer, my legs miss you and I just want you to taste my scissor grip because I think you kinda need it. What’s with the red face, are you a street light now? All those muscles and what good are they? Even in my knees I can still take you down, that is if you wouldn’t skip away like a bitch and you’d have the guts to face me. Oh wow, you got me in your grip, I’m laughing here. Enjoy it for one more second because in the next ones you’ll regret that you know me. How about you have a taste of my jeans in your mouth? Come on, lick them nicely, they surround the body of a champion, something you’ll never be. Can you feel the drips of sweat on your face? That’s the taste of a champion.
Video length: 20:23 min.
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