Get on the cross slave and lean forward, I want your ass as tight as possible to see my whip bounce from it like a ball. I will use the long one today because I want you all red and ready for what I have prepared later on. I just love the sound of smacking the leather against your skin, it makes everything more delicious. Hell, I’m getting better at this, I think I can hit the same spot twice in a row. What are you crying about there? Let me make your ass all tainted with leather, it’s bouncing so good I can’t stop. Nice, your cock is all hard. I will tie it to your neck to keep it that way and check if pinching your nipples as hard as I can, will make that erection go away. Apparently not… Well, time for you to go on the table, I have a guest and we both want to see how much you can endure until you crack.
Video length: 18:05 min.
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