Are these chains too tight for you Slave? Good, because I have to tight them even more, to lift you from the ground and make an example out of you. It was hard to get the pegs to stay on your nipples but I just had to push them harder. How is this whip feeling against your skin? Yeah, like I care.. I want to spank you so hard that you won’t be able to sit for a whole month. Your cock seems to be a little tight inthere. Let’s make it bigger, shall we? My slavegirl is good at sucking cock, she will grow it back again in no time. Now let’s do a test, bend over and let’s see what burns most, the whip cutting your skin or this hot wax dripped between your ass cheeks? I bet you think it’s over… but now I want you to lick my slavegirl in all her holes and all over her skin. Make it clean Slave.
Video length: 52:03 min.
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