Take your time and catch your breath Slave. Oh, look at you trying to catch me off-guard. Nicely done Slave, but since you’re under me, what does that tell you. Ok, would you like a shot of my neck just to see how it feels when you’re the winning side? Here you go, give it your best shot. Now since we got past that, tell me, how much you like the sound of your arm breaking on your back? Hell, I didn’t know you’ll go to sleep so soon… Well, just as well, I’m going to see what use I can get from your tiny cock while you enjoy your well-deserved rest. More like induced, rest, eh? I just hope for your sake that this small cock will get bigger and stronger, otherwise I will wake you up and make you to fill my pussy with your mouth and tongue.
Video length: 13:43 min.
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