Look here Slave, you see how big this cock is between my legs? That’s how yours should be. Now, let’s both do this, you whip your… whatever that is out and start jerking it off furiously like you do every night before you go to sleep and think about me. You would enjoy having a big cock like this, wouldn’t you? Yes, then your Mistress would let you fuck her and make her cum. but with what you have now, the most you can do is tickle…my sight. Come on, do it like me, rub it hard and let your hand slide fast. Caress the tip a bit to get that precum spread all over it. Faster Slave, get a good grip and squeeze it until it turns purple. If this toy would have some life in it I bet it would already spurt in the air by now. You’re a good boy, I can see that you can hold it for a while. Well, don’t. I want to see you cum.
Video length: 6:15 min.
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