The beautiful Brandy Smile is getting fed-up with her slave, who’s doing a terrible job of keeping her place clean. The meek loser is tasked with cleaning using just a toothbrush, while she talks down to him and spits at him. She lets him know in clear terms that he’s not measuring up to her standards, and that if he doesn’t improve he’ll be gone.
Brandy Smile giggles while watching him lick her spit from the floor-boards, and it amuses her so much that she decides to give him more, spitting right in his stupid face. Because he’s so desperate and pathetic, he even gets to the point where he’s begging her to spit in his mouth, hoping it will raise her opinion of him. Some slaves can be so stupid. He’ll be lucky if Princess Brandy thinks of him as anything more than a spittoon after this.
Video length: 19:24 min.
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