It is time for round two with Nikky Thorne and the masked Mexican. In the last round, she was totally unprepared and helpless because he is much bigger and stronger than her, but she won’t quit. It takes much more than just one round for her to surrender and accept a loss. The match is on the way and it starts the same way the last round ended. Right away, the Mexican gets full control of the action because Nikky is just too small and weak to pose any threat. He can pretty much do whatever he wants with her and she can’t do a thing about it. He’s really giving her a tough time, putting her in some really painful and tough chokeholds and she is struggling to breathe. Lucky for her that she’s so flexible, otherwise he would break her apart. When he had enough fun, he ended the round with a chokehold and left her lying on the ground.
Video length: 14:44 min.
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