Mixed wrestling may be one of the oddest kinks around. This is because it is one of the rare kinks where somebody does not actually need to be naked. Sure, a bit of nakedness is great and all, but it is not strictly necessary for the mixed wrestling kink at all.
So, what is mixed wrestling? It is all about males and females wrestling with one another. Surprisingly, this is something that was immensely popular outside of the porn niche not too long ago. In fact, even the WWE had mixed wrestling tournaments until they nipped that in the bud and split down the genders into their own specific groups. I have no doubt this is how the fetish started to grow up.
Fetish history
Y’know, this is a particularly tough fetish to track the history of. I started researching mixed wrestling before I wrote this, but I am still none the wiser as to how it actually started. I am going to assume that this sort of thing is quite recent. Wrestling has not really been carried out for that long. Well, wrestling as we know it.
One thing is for sure, the globalization of wrestling, mostly down to the WWE, really turned on people to the idea of mixed wrestling fetishes. Having a look online, it seems like the number of videos have exploded in recent years.
What does mixed wrestling involve?
In most cases, it is just going to be a straight-up wrestling match. As I said earlier; there does not even need to be any nakedness in some cases. Just two people wrestling and maybe a bit of touching on occasion. This is not the most popular form of mixed wrestling that you find online, at least in the fetish world, but there are some people that like it. Remember; this is a form of domination, so it does not really matter if anybody is naked or not, it is the domination which seems to be the most popular part of these wrestling matches.
Of course, most mixed wrestling involves the two being naked. It may start off as a wrestling match, but sooner or later, somebody is going to start to win. This is where some power play comes into place!
One of the things that I, personally, love about the whole mixed wrestling fetish is the fact that most of it seems to have somewhat of a storyline about it. If anybody has ever watched wrestling, and I am sure you have, you will know that wresting is not so much about the actual fighting part (that is not real, obviously), it is more down to the stories behind that match. The build up to it, and the story that is being told in the ring. Obviously, you can’t expect porn to have the same intense storyline that you see in a proper wrestling match, but it is still intriguing. That being said, I can’t imagine that many people are watching mixed wrestling porn for the story anyway!
Most of the mixed wrestling porn you find online is all about female domination. It really does turn the notion of wrestling on its head. Most people would assume that the male would dominate the female during a game of wrestling. This is what happens in most mixed wrestling matches i.e. the normal ones. However, when it comes to this kink, that is all flipped upon its head and the woman takes complete control of the situation.
In many cases, before the nakedness ensues, the two are going to be wearing cute little outfits that cater to kinks too. One thing that I have seen a lot in recent years is these mixed wrestling bouts starting off with two people dressed like superheroes. However, honestly, just like any other kink out there, if you want something, you are probably going to be able to find it. You just need to look a little bit harder for it.

Why do people watch mixed wrestling porn?
There are a couple of reasons, really.
I am willing to wager that the vast majority of people reading this page have watched wrestling, right? Well, in the past, female wrestling was not that popular. Companies, including the WWE, realized that the only way in which to get people to watch female wrestling was by sexualizing it heavily. Hell, most of the people that you saw enter the ring were not good wrestlers in the slightest. Thankfully, this has changed up somewhat (seriously, watch women’s wrestling sometime, often the wrestlers are more talented than the men’s division, maybe not as strong, but they know how to put on a show). Anyway, the fact that wrestling was highly sexualized meant that a lot of men started to develop somewhat of a fetish for women’s wrestlers. I have no doubt that nudes of female wrestlers are probably one of the most searched for ‘celeb’ photos online. Probably helps that most of the time they are dressed in cute little ‘get ups’, to be honest.
When a fetish develops like this, people start to look for more on it. They are turned on by wrestling, and they want to start to look at naked wrestling and the like. You will probably find plenty of lesbian wrestling online, which is great and all, but it is not really about the domination. The people that look up mixed wrestling porn are all about finding out about domination and the like.
The mixed wrestling that we are talking about here are people who absolutely love domination. In most cases, it is going to be the woman being dominated by the man. You can think of mixed wrestling as having a dominatrix but with a bit more a story line and a whole lot less BDSM thrown into the mix.
The wonderful thing about mixed wrestling porn, other than the whole power play thing, is the fact that there is just so much different stuff out there. If you just want to see a man be beaten in a good wrestling match, then wrestling porn will cater for you. However, if you have more extreme kinks, then you are probably going to find something in wrestling porn for you too.
For example; a lot of domination-related porn is related to people being put through pain. The problem with most domination is that there is never a genuine reason as to why that person is in pain. It helps take away some of the belief. Sure, there are some people who absolutely do love being hurt randomly, but these people are few and far between. In wrestling? Well, at least you have a reason as to why somebody is being hurt. Some people love watching a woman put a man through a lot of pain as she seeks to get the upper hand.
Remember; unlike other forms of domination porn, the man is not trying to be submissive when you watch wrestling porn. Well, at least it is not going to try and seem that way. This is a fight. The man genuinely wants to win, but the woman ends up taking control of the situation. This is a type of porn that you do not seem to see much. When it comes to domination, it tends to be one-sided and not everybody is going to like that. Most mixed wrestling porn is not going to be one-sided at all which, of course, means that the whole thing can be shaken up a little.
If you love humiliation porn, then you can get that with mixed wrestling too. Let’s be honest, wrestling is all about being ‘over the top’, and that is brought into mixed wrestling porn too. This is not about the actual fight, it is about creating a spectacle. If you watch ‘normal’ wrestling, then you will probably notice that a good amount of that is all about embarrassing the person that you are fighting. I am glad that this has been brought over to wrestling porn. I really do love humiliation.
How accurate is it?
Genuine question I get asked.
Surprisingly, the production values for this type of porn are quite high. Sure, you get your amateur stuff where people are wrestling in their living room or something like that. However, the vast majority of the wrestling porn that you see online seems to really go the whole hog when it comes to setting it up. You get wrestling rings. You have referees. You have storylines. I have no doubt that this is all down to the fact that it really plays into this kink. A person does not just want to see one person dominate another. Anybody who is looking for mixed wrestling porn wants to see a bit of a fight. They actually want to see some wrestling.
Of course, there are also some videos which have just random fights which are not really like ‘wrestling’. Maybe a spot of play wrestling or something. These seem to be the videos that are dressed up as being amateur porn. They can be a bit tamer, but that is fine. This is also a type of porn that I know somebody can love. You do not have the high production values, but that is completely cool. There are so many different types of porn out there that it genuinely does not matter what you end up watching!
Will you like mixed wrestling porn?
I have no idea. Chances are that you probably will do, particularly since you are reading this page.
Honestly, when I first heard about mixed wrestling porn, I seriously doubted that it would be something that I loved. I don’t know about you, but in most cases I really want people to get down to the sexual stuff pretty quickly. I absolutely loathe when there is a lot of build up to the sex. Sure, I know that there are a lot of people who love that type of thing, but I am here to get horny. I am not here to spend an age watching something which I could quite easily see on YouTube!
That being said, after I had watched a few different mixed wrestling pornos, it was something that I quickly came to love. It seemed like every other domination porn out there, but a bit more interesting. It was not just about diving into the sex, it was the sexual contact beforehand and I must say that I really do love the ‘will they, won’t they’ approach that mixed wrestling takes. Yeah. I know, it is porn, they are eventually going to end up doing something and you know that deep down, but it is the suspension of disbelief.
Since you are reading this page, then it is likely that you have an idea about what mixed wrestling is anyway and that you want to take a look at it. So, you may as well check it out as it is probably going to be something that you will like. However, if you don’t like it, you have not lost much. There is plenty of other domination-related porn out there that you can sink your teeth into, so you can give those a whirl instead! This is perhaps one of the oddest kinks around. Well, of the ‘normal’ kinks, so I genuinely do understand if this is something that you do not end up falling in love with. We can’t all like everything, can we?
Check out mixed wrestling porn
If you want to start sinking your teeth into some awesome mixed wrestling porn, then take a look at the wealth of suggestions that we have put together! We are positive that you are going to absolutely love them! Hell, this may end up with you discovering a great new kink.
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