Did I tie you up good enough Slave? Look at you, all in chains and leather straps, looking to tight. Me and my friend here want to play with your balls a bit, test their maximum limits and see how much of a man you are. Do you think this strap is too tight around them? Seeing you breathing so hard, I’d say it’s just perfect. I hope we won’t tear it apart by pulling from it like this. Ugh, you know what goes better? Some punches… hard and fast punches cracking in your balls and cock like stones falling from a mountain. Yeah, jump Slave! Jump with each punch that makes your nuts softer. Let’s harden them again, shall we? The pain must be killing you seeing me fucking my friend’s tight pussy with a strapon… That erection too rough for you? Let it come, I want you to fuck her also and make her cum hard.
Video length: 19:46 min.
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