Get your pants down Slave, I wanna see what you have for me down there. I’m horny today but I kinda feel the need to hear your bones crushing a bit. What, you’re asking for help already? Poor you, dominated by a tiny girl, you must be feeling like a real man now… Oh look, your friend wants to see what I’m going to do with you. I am going to eat both of you up because I am really horny. Come closer, you wanna save your friend? You won’t be able to do much choking like this. You wanted to say something Slave? You need some air? Sorry, it’s not on the menu today, only pain and my tight ass in your faces. Yeah, you both come here and smell my pussy, it needs a good sniffing and a nice licking. Both of you, open your mouths and swallow all my power, maybe this will turn you in men.
Video length: 14:48 min.
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