You’ve been under my ass for a few good minutes Slave and I can tell that you still haven’t had enough. No worries, I’ll just keep my perfect ass cheeks stuck to your face until you learn your lesson. You’re slowly drifting away but I won’t allow you. It’s just that it feels so good to have something between my legs, I don’t think I can let you go from this facesitting. You can struggle but I’ll start it all over again. You think that is air privation? This is air privation, me grabbing your neck and not letting even a single draft of air in your nostrils. Yeah, I can do it even better with my chest, my big round tits allow me to not let you breathe at all. You didn’t think that a beautiful lady like me can do so much damage did you? Well, this is your lesson.
Video length: 15:53 min.
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