I know a man’s cock has no bones, but how far can it be stretched? I’m going to find out today and you Slave will be the subject of my experiment. I’m tying it good around your balls and bottom, to be sure that it won’t drop from this big chain. This will be a good way to see if you’re able to think while your cock gets all the flow through it. I’ll pull slowly so I can see every reaction of yours. Don’t you dare lift your waist, you will only make me pull harder and faster. Oh look, the poor thing starts turning in purple. Can you feel my touches on it Slave? Your skin is so tight and soft now. Still, I think I can go even more, just a few inches higher. Can you feel my and around your balls, squeezing them? I like their softness and hardness in the same time.
Video length: 5:24 min.
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