Come here. Little bit closer. Very good! Now, I want you to pay very, very close attention to my chest! Oh, yes. Also pay very, very close attention to the sound of my voice and the words I’m gonna say. As you watch my chest, you will slowly start to get mesmerized and soon you’ll be totally hypnotized by my tits. Yes, just watch them as they go up and down. Around and around… and just concentrate on how soft and firm they are and how much you love to squeeze them. Wouldn’t you do anything to get your hands on these tits? Of course, you would. You will do anything that I want to have a chance with these tits. Just look at them. Aren’t they worth everything you can offer? Yes, they are. Now, if you want to, let’s say, grab them like this or maybe lick them like that. You will do everything that I tell you to. Now, pay close attention because you will have an assignment. As soon as you look up you will go and do this right away. Now, every single time you think about these tits, no one else’s tits! Actually, let’s rephrase that. Every single time that you think about these tits and any other tits, you will go to your bank account and you will withdraw one hundred dollars and you’ll mail it to me. Every single time. Now, I do realize that you’re a man and that you think about tits all day long, so you know what? You better have a lot of money in your bank account. And if you don’t, you better have really, really good credit because soon you’re gonna be sending me lots and lots of cash because these tits are all you’re gonna be thinking about. Anytime you see or hear a cow, you’re gonna think of my tits. Anytime you see or hear a baby, you’re gonna be thinking about my tits. Anytime you drink or see milk, you’re gonna think of my tits. Anytime you think, you’re gonna be thinking about my tits! So, therefore, you have to have lots of money, and you need to send it to me. So, since you’re thinking about my tits right now, why don’t you start it off by going to the bank right now and taking out as much money as you possibly can from the ATM because you know that that money is gonna be sent to me by the and of the day! And I know that, no matter what, even if you’re broke and you have no money, you’re still gonna be thinking of my tits! Now, go on, go to the bank and get me some cash!
Video length: 05:54 min.
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