10…Close your eyes and begin to relax. 9….You start to feel light headead… 8…You are feeling calmer and calmer. 7…The outside world starts to fade. 6…You hear only my voice and you can see only the swinging pendulum in my hands. 5…You can see only me sweet beautiful legs. 4…You can’t resist but be mesmerised by my hot feet and legs. 3…There’s nothing else important in the world, only my sweet, sweet, long and beautiful legs. 2…You will give everything I say for these pretty legs. 1..At the snap of my finger, you will wake up, only to find out you have written a check for every last penny you have. Don’t worry, I will use it to keep my perfect legs in shape so I can fool guys like you any time I want. You’re not the first fool I tricked into giving all his money up in just a few minutes, and certainly not the last…
Video length: 5:08 min.
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