Do you like these feet? Do you wanna cum all over these feet? Maybe, stick your little pencil dick in between these toes? I think I know why you like feet so much! Because your dick is so small that it can’t really go in vaginas because we won’t be able to feel it. So, instead, you like to fuck feet and in between the toes because the slit is so small and usually anything that’s on my feet I can feel. Is that it? I figured it out! That’s why you like feet! Because you’re a little pencil dick, arent you? Or maybe it’s because feet are like, the furthest thing away from a vagina? So is it that you’re affraid of vagians and that’s why you like feet? Are you a little fagot? There’s just so many questions…. Why? Why feet? You’re a freak! That’s why you like feet! Oh, yes! I can just see you now! You’re just drooling all over yourself thinking how much you wish you can lick and suck on my toes and how much you wanted to slide your little fucking cock in between my feet right now. Is that what would make you cum? Well, I’m sure you can make yourself cum because that’s what you are! You’re like a master masturbator! Because no one really wants you to fuck their feet and you realize that. So, you just, you’ve gotten to master the art of masturbating. And while you’re masturbating you like to imagine feet! So what’s your favorite part of a foot? Is it the toes? Is that what it is? You like to suck on toes, dirty fucking toes? Get all that nasty stuff under toe nails and all the stuff we step on on a daily basis like, animal piss… You like sucking all that off people’s feet? Oh, so disgusting! Or, do you like the arch? Is that what you enjoy the most? Is the arch of the foot and then being able to fuck in between the arches? Is that what you like? Is that turning you on right now? Oh, just tell me… Beg me that you want to slide your cock in between my feet! You wanna cum fuck my feet don’t you? You’re such a fucking freak! Or, lets see… Do you like the heel the most? The part that can stomp on you, squish you… Is that why you like feet? Do you like to be tortured by feet? Do you want me to face fuck you with my feet? Shove them down your throat until you gag? There’s just so many things that I could do to you with my feet. I mean, I’m sure that every single thing that I’d do, you’d love just because… Why? You like feet! You could probably have the most fattest, ugliest, smelliest girl in front of you and you would still think that she is gorgeous because she’s got painted toe nails. That’s how much of a freak you are! You probably don’t even know what my face looks like or how nice my ass is because all you care about is feet! Seriously, that’s so pathetic! But, I guess it could be worse… I don’t mind you looking at my feet. I would defintely rather have you looking at my feet than my face because I don’t wan’t you looking at any part of me but, at least you’re looking down. That’s where you should always be looking, is down. Why? Because you are just a fucking loser and honestly, no one wants to look at you or talk to you and you shouldn’t look at or talk to anyone else. So just keep looking at everyone’s feet you fucking loser! See you later, foot freak!
Video length: 05:25 min.
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