Do you like the view right there? Do you like view of seeing my titties bounce? You fat bastard! You bet you like that view didn’t you? I mean, what view of me wouldn’t you like, right? I know you just look at me and you cream all over your pants. Or is it you look at me and you cream or is it the thought that you look at me and you’ll never be able to get me? Is that what makes you really, really cream in your pants? The fact of knowing that you’ll never get to slap this ass. See that? You’ll never be able to do that. Nor grab it like this. I bet you wanna grab my ass so bad, don’t you? Wiggle it around, maybe I can shake that booty in your face like that, huh? No! You’ll never ever get to! Never in a million years! I mean, you’re so close to me, living next door and all but, you’ll never gonna be able to get a piece of this sexy body! Why you ask? Duh, you already fucking know! I don’t like fat ass retards like you! No, I don’t! When I look at you, I wanna puke and run the other way. But, the only thing that draws me closer to you and to be nice to you is your bank account! I know you have money! Will you give me some of your money? I’ll be really, really nice and maybe I’ll let you suck on my toe. In your dreams! You’ll never suck on my toe but, I still want your money! Can you do that? Give me all your money, take me shopping! I need a shopping spree, please! Better yet, just take me, okay? But, don’t take me in your beater ass car. You’re gonna get a fucking limo for me because that’s what I’m worth! OK? Yeah! You’re gonna rent a limo and spend lots of money and take me to all the nice stores! Sound good? I love it! But, afterwards, I’m not even gonna say thank you. I’m just gonna walk into my house and love all of my new stuff that I got! I’m not gonna say thank you to you, or acknowledge that you were nice or anything like that because you don’t deserve it! The only thing you deserve to do is buy me stuff, and that’s it, OK? You don’t deserve a thank you or anything like that because you’re worthless. I don’t like you, OK? I don’t like you one little bit! I like your money and that’s it! So, that’s the only reason why I do all this videos for you. I can’t stand looking at you, I hate that you’re my neighbour. I mean, I can hear you eating your fucking cheeseburger a mile away! You’re so fat, it’s just like… I mean, are you a pig or a cow or something? You’re as fat as one! Oh, no, you’re fatter than pigs. Yeah, I just can’t stand you, I really can’t. You really disgust me. I only like your money so, if you want any more videos of me, you’ll give me your money. And take me shopping and buy me lots and lots of nice things! Otherwise, I’m gonna lock up all of my windows and my doors so you could never peep in my house again. Never, in a million fucking years! So, cough up the money, otherwise, you never get to see me, ever again! Maybe I’ll just move out of the state so that I don’t have to think about your fat ass again! So, give me, give me!
Video length: 5:37 min.
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