A masked gimp with a big stomach is kept in a cage wearing nothing but his mask. The mistress comes by and takes him to her den where she straps him to a black table with his backing facing towards her. He knows what’s coming. The mistress spanks his ass and takes a whip to flog him. She knows that he is a strong man and that his iron back can take a hard beating so she decides to step things up. She takes a long fat whip and hits him as hard as she could. He couldn’t keep himself in place so he got the table up and started hiding behind it, but it didn’t help hit too much. The more he ran away, the harder the hits became. When his back was covered in whip marks, she cooled it down and another mistress joined them. One continued whipping him while the other spanked his ass. They beat him up so hard that even the iron back couldn’t take it anymore.
Video length: 16:01 min.
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