The athletic babe Diana is a great wrestler and she knows it. She is so confident of her skills that she takes on two wrestlers by herself in a not so fair match. You can see that they are scared because neither one of them wants to be the first to get choked. Miki decides to try his luck first and Diana immediately reminds him that she’s in charge here with a couple of tight chokeholds. You can hear him scream in pain. When it gets too tough, the Mexican wrestler steps in and tries his luck. He doesn’t have any more luck as she chokes him too like nothing. Then they even have to join forces and attack her at the same time, but she’s got it covered. There is absolutely nothing they can do to win this match even though they are trying their best. In the end, she just chokes one and then the other until they are both left lying on the ground. Diana is the best!
Video length: 15:25 min.
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