It’s not every day of the week that you get to see a chubby girl sitting on the face of a skinny guy. It’s why many of you are going to watch this video several times. How this guy is able to tolerate being smothered like that is simply unexplainable. At times he does seem to drift off into another world. If that’s because he’s experience face sitting bliss or lack of oxygen, no one knows. The only thing anyone can know for certain is that this chubby cutie is enjoying herself. She’s one of those women that gets off on causing as much suffering as possible. It’s amazing how he just lays there and takes it all. Most guys would at the very least beg for a few gasps of air. It goes to show that face sitting can be as fun for the guy as it is the gal. That’s the only explanation anyone can give for why he’s so calm while being suffocated.
Video length: 14:06 min.
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