I would think twice about entering a ring with the chubby wrestler girl Anita. She looks like she’s got a lot of strength and skill to inflict pain in all kinds of ways. Zsolt thought that wrestling a girl is going to be easy, but Anita showed him how wrong he really was. After a friendly handshake before the match, she unleashed everything she had and it was game on! In the beginning, she and Zsolt were almost tied, but he is losing breath quickly and she takes every opportunity she gets to put him in a chokehold. Squeezing his neck between her hard thighs makes him lose energy even faster and that is the window she was waiting for. It is just the matter of time when he won’t be able to get up and she knows it. After a couple more grabs, he can’t get up from the ground so she steps on him to pose for the cameras.
Video length: 15:54 min.
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