She may seem like she’s just a petite blonde, but Candeelicious doesn’t need size to overpower a man, especially one as weak as this. She presses up close to him, running her hands over his body and toying with his nipples, loving his discomfort. The pretty blonde outmatches him so much that she has him bent over her knee with his arm held painfully behind his back, her free hand spanking his ass over and over. That’s not enough to satisfy her, so she wrestles him to the ground and pinches his nipples some more, moving to sit over his crotch and shove her feet in his face. It’s so amusing to her when his cock gets hard that she just has to take him over her knee and deliver some more punishment spankings. After this, she “rewards” him by sitting on his face, her thin shorts the only thing separating his mouth from her smooth, sexy pussy. She really gets into the facesitting, thoroughly smothering the weak guy beneath her pussy and ass, finding that he makes a very good chair.
Video length: 14:26 min.
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