A curvy Mistress in white latex binds her slave in a seated position, arms and legs spread. The tattooed redhead awaits whatever Mistress has planned for her, but she doesn’t seem prepared for the hot wax that spills down over her arms or the candle flame that licks just beneath her sensitive nipple. More devious is the tiny, spiked metal wheel that the dominant woman casually rolls over the masochist’s exposed skin. It’s not enough to break the skin, but it causes an uncomfortable biting sensation over some of her more sensitive areas like her pussy lips and inner thighs. The sadist can’t help admiring her petite slave’s perky breasts and pierced nipples, groping those mounds firmly while she decides what to do next. She feels she’s tortured the woman enough, at least with pain, so she decides to see what intense pleasure can do to her slave. A vibrator is teased against her pussy and then held firmly against it, and what starts as very pleasurable quickly becomes too much stimulation for her mind to handle. She moans loudly through her gag, orgasming repeatedly until she’s left an exhausted mess for her Mistress to torment again in an hour or two.
Video length: 9:32 min.
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