While most other guys would do anything to have sex with this beautiful dominant black girl, this kinky masked slave wants to worship her feet. She caught him looking at her through the window so she let him in the house. He got right to business, kissing her feet and sucking her toes right away. They are like a match made in heaven because she loves a guy who appreciates beautiful feet like hers. When he got her excited enough she decided to jerk his little wiener with both feet. He really liked that. She even took her clothes off, only leaving her panties on and they keep switching from a foot job to feet worshipping the entire time. She sits back on the couch and rubs her clit while he’s sucking her toes and jerking off. He finally blows a load all over her left foot and eats his own jizz from it. When he got what he wanted, he just turned around and left.
Video length: 21:24 min.
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