You know how you were always anxious to see a interrogatory in a movie and you were bragging that you can withstand one and those men are pussies? Let’s see how much was just bragging and where’s the truth. What, you’re shivering like a pussy now that I hold your head under the water? Look at you, the big man, tensing his muscles and barely resisting 10 seconds under the water. Oh, poor boy, did you get wet? Bend over, I’m gonna spread your hole with my finger to make you feel like you are really tortured. What’s up with the shivering Slave? I thought you were a man! Ok, let me see if your manhood still works. I’ll stroke your cock so harsh that you won’t know which path to cross, the pleasure one or the pain one. Don’t look down or I’ll rip all the hair from your head.
Video length: 8:01 min.
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