Walk faster you dirty Slave, I want you to feel ashamed and worthless as you really are. After I dragged you through mud it’s only fair to make you shake this dirt off you. You’re losing wood? Let me take care of that, I want you to feel pain in your balls as I make you run like a little piggy. Nice cock you have Slave, not let’s put it to a slapping test. I like how it bounces left and right under my slaps. A few knees in your balls to see you jump for exercise are in order. Come on, stick your cock through that fence and let me make it as big as possible. It will be fun watching you trying to get out. Uh, you managed to pull it out… your cock is smaller than I thought Slave. Get on that wall and let me find the way to your balls with my foot.
Video length: 11:05 min.
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