OK, you know what I think is totally fucking hilarious but, pathetic and really fucking useless? Give up? Well, the answer to that is – little fucking dicks! Yeah! They’re hella funny to look at! I mean, it’s not, it’s not supposed to be that way. It’s some sort of mutation and usually when something is so fucked up and mutated, you just can’t help but laugh at it, right? I mean, it’s just so fucking hillarious! And then there’s the pathetic part where it’s just… What good use is there? I mean, it’s so tiny and so pathetic, it has no meaning! You can barely jerk off. You have to get fucking tweezers to jerk off that little cock! I mean, does that actually feel good? Do you actually get pleasure out of jerking off your little teeny tiny fucking cock? Because, I think you probably don’t! I mean, it’s so tiny that there can’t be that many nerve endings in that little tiny thing, right? Yeah, so, that’s the pathetic part because you’re just pathetic! And then, there’s the worthless part! Totally fucking worthless! Again, because it’s so small it’s worthless! Most things that are tiny are worthless, but little dicks are exceptionally worthless! I mean, OK… A dick is meant to fuck a vagina and make it feel good, right? Little dicks like that, they don’t feel good! You don’t feel nothing! I mean, come on, you could probably stick that in someone’s ass and they still wouldn’t feel it! Which brings me to my next point! Your dick is so small that I’m sure you probably try to fuck guy’s asses all the time because you’ve finally given up on girls, right? Because, you can’t ever please a woman! It’s just not gonna happen! Your little teeny tiny dick is just way to small, you just gotta give up on it! So, I know you’ve probably come to that conclusion. So you started trying to fuck guys in the ass but yet, even them, gay guys that like everything up their ass… They don’t even want your teeny tiny little fucking pencil dick in their ass because it’s pointless! They don’t feel anything, there’s nothing there! You probably have no cum in that tiny dick of yours and so, therefore, it’s worthless! Totally fucking worthless, just like you! Yeah, your little dick… You and your little dick! Hilarious! Because it’s so little and so little and it’s funny looking and it’s just hilarious that you have such a small tiny little pathetic little cock! Yes! Pathetic! Because… Why is it pathetic? Because it’s worthless! Totally fucking worthless! That’s you! That should be your middle name! Loser, worthless and what else? Faggot! There we go! That’s it! I just… I don’t even know why I’m doing this anymore! Why am I making a video for a worthless fucking faggot? I just honestly don’t know! Oh, I know, it’s because you like to stroke your teeny tiny cock. Even though you can barely even feel it! Even with those teeny tiny tweezers, or your little fingers that you have to stroke your cock with because it’s so small like that. So pathetic! I mean, seriously… I think you should just do us all a favor and just leave and never come back! Leave this Earth and never come back because you and your tiny little pencil dick are worthless and no one wants it! So, see you never, loser!
Video length: 4:45 min.
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