Remember this guy from earlier? His mistress stretched his ball with weights and left his nuts still hanging while he’s strapped to the wall. Well, his ordeal doesn’t end there because another mistress walks in on him and now she wants to have some fun as well. She straps him to another wall and gets her electric staff to inflict even more pain upon him. He keeps trying to get away, in complete agony, but that gets her even more excited so she buzzes his cock with it. Just when he totally loses at and starts screaming from the top of his voice, his first mistress comes to join in on the action. He can’t take it anymore so one of them sits on him to restrain him and the other keeps on shocking his dick. He yells please because he can’t take it anymore, but these two mistresses have no mercy. What a poor slave.
Video length: 17:10 min.
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