What do you call this Slave? Can you even pee with that tiny minuscule penis of yours? Or “penis” it too much of a word for it… I need a magnifier to see it. By the looks of it, my whip is thicker than your pathetic little cock and I’m not sure I’m hitting it or I stroke near it. What’s that look on your face, you are as disgusted as me? Can you even see it when you stand? Oh my god, look, I think you’re having an erection. What a disappointment, I was hoping that you’re at least a grower not a shower, but even that ship has sailed. Be glad that I’m so generous and let you take it out, this is the closest you’ll ever get to a woman with that thingy hanging out of you like a little lost worm. You should be ashamed.
Video length: 5:30 minute
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