The recording was due to happen in half an hour, but the camera arrived at the set a little sooner, eager to film a dominant brunette playing around with a total blonde slut. She has already started masturbating by herself while the mistress is got a big fat strap-on ready to give her slave a ride. At first she wants that thing sucked and the blondie deepthroats it like it’s nothing. When the time for pegging comes, she’s got a surprise. A big fat butt plug jammed deep in her asshole. She likes her holes double penetrated and that is final. After some drilling, slapping around and dildos down the throat, the mistress wants an orgasm or two, so she orders her slave to work her holes. Everything turns into a contest where the one that fits the biggest toy and the most fingers up the ass wins. In the end, it’s a draw, both of them are total sluts.
Video length: 32:16 min.
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