Nautica Thorn is one of famous Asian porn stars that many of you know very well. Now, you will have a chance to see her in completely new role where she is real lesbian dominatrix who is brutally fucking sexy girl while enjoying every single moment of it.
Nautica Thorn is dressed to easily seduce everyone that is looking at her. She looks tall in black fishnet stockings while high heels are helping her to highlight her perfectly shaped booty.
While she is slowly getting toward sexy girl Rachel Star, she noticed that Rachel already started to prepare her genitals to what is coming next. When you look them both, what you immediately see is that they are smoking hot bitches which means that this video is real pleasure for all lesbian domination fetish lovers. Rachelle is wearing white stockings and tiny white thongs that are literally showing where strapon dildo should go.
Video length: 32:11 min.
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