Hey! So, there’s been something that I’ve been meaning to talk to you about. You know in this time in our relationship, things have gone downhill! To put it bluntly, you suck in bed! So, I’ve decided I just can’t do this anymore. It’s just not worth me faking all those orgasms to make you feel better about yourself. You know I just need a real man in my life because I need to have an orgasm. A real orgasm, not a fake one! I need to feel good, not just you! So, I’m sorry honey but, you know what? I’m gonna go out and I’m gonna find myself a real man! Someone with a hard, big cock that can do me right, unlike you! Someone that can eat my pussy like you can’t! You know you suck at that so… Let’s just.. Yeah. I need someone that’s gonna thrust it in and out of me all night long because you know, you only lasted two minutes and that’s gonna fly with me! Yeah… I’m gonna find a real man that can treat me right, so… I got all dressed up, looking all nice! Got my cleavage out so I could find myself a hunk! Yeah! A big, real man to get right in between my legs and do me right! Oh, yeah! I can’t wait to get fucked so good! I’ve been missing it so long because you just don’t do it for me anymore! I mean, you just suck! You suck big time! Honestly, I think a girl could fuck me better even tough she doesn’t have a penis! I’m pretty sure of it because you suck in bed a lot! I just can’t wait to find a guy that is gonna pound my pussy so hard! He’s gonna keep doing it, he’s gonna make me cum over and over again! Because you couldn’t. He’s gonna hit all the right spots that you’ve never even seen or felt! Oh, I can’t wait! He’s gonna be so much better than you! So much better! And you better believe it! I will tell you all the juicy details about how he’s so much better than you! Especially in bed! I can’t wait to finally cum so hard because I don’t even know when the last time it’s been. Maybe since, never with you because you suck in bed! It’s like… This is your cock. It’s limp almost all the time. You think it’s hard but, it’s not! It is just pathetic! Pathetic just like you and your pathetic penis and your pathetic sex life and I’m just over it! Over it and I’m gonna go find a real man and get fucked by a real dick and it’s gonna feel real good! Real, real good! Unlike anything you’ve ever done for me because you suck! You’re… You’re horrible in bed! After me, you’re never gonna get anyone else because you suck so bad! And I’m gonna tell the whole world how bad you suck in bed, how small your penis is and how you can never stay hard! That’s why I’m going to find a real man! Not another loser like you! A real big man with a real big cock that can fuck me right! I’ve been waiting for so long now! So, I’m sorry to say it but, we’re over! Because, I just… I’m better than you, especially in bed because you’re horrible. And, I just deserve… I deserve a lot better! I deserve to get fucked for real! Not faking it like we have fake sex because you suck so bad. It’s like nothing. It’s like, it’s worse than softcore porn! That’s how I feel sometimes, just so fake! That’s all that is, it’s fake! So I’m gonna find a real man to get fucked real good and that’s gonna feel really really good. And I can’t wait, I can’t wait to say goodbye to you! So, I’m going to now! Bye loser!
Video length: 5:59 min.
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