What you’re about to see is a mistress that gets horny the minute her eyes open in the morning. That’s why she has her slave sleeping on the floor beside the bed. She wakes him up and he knows exactly what to do. This slave even sleeps with his mask on. It goes to show the level of control this dominate mistress has over her slave. It’s even more evident by the way he licks her pussy on command. It’s clear that she’s the type that can make slave do anything and everything she orders. Even if it means licking her pussy first thing in the morning. It’s what this slave does and she enjoys every single lick. Most people wake up and have a cup of coffee or some breakfast in the morning. This mistress gets her pussy licked before starting the day. Many of you wouldn’t mind being the slave of a mistress like her.
Video length: 5:51 min.
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