A mind shattering blonde is about to give an ground breaking blowjob. All while her slave wearing a dog collar and chain watches on. This blonde doesn’t go anywhere without her slave. It’s a good thing too, because it seems this guy’s shoes are a bit dirty. She’ll put her slave to good use by making sure her guy friend’s shoes are sparkling clean. The way she’ll do that is by having her slave lick them clean. Her friend gets his cock sucked and his shoes cleaned at the very same time. Whoever said you can’t have your cake and eat it too is a liar. This video proves that and it’s all because of her submissive slave. He’ll do anything she asks him to do even if it means licking a guy’s shoes while he receives a blowjob. It’s amazing just how much more beautiful this blonde becomes once her lips are wrapped around a stiff cock.
Video length: 13:15 min.
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