Band buffed up guy called Miki is a professional fighter. This is the first time he gets in the ring with a hot girl in a bikini that has some seriously dangerous wrestling moves. He thinks that she’s going to be easy to beat because she’s a girl, but the way she locks his head with her thighs makes him realize that this bikini hottie is no pushover. She is ready to give it all to prove that she’s better than him. Ther roll around in the ring over each other as she tries to get her legs around his neck. She does it a couple of times so he has to tap her out because he can’t breathe. The sparing is still not over and Miki is having more and more trouble with breathing. In the end, he’s so beaten up and weak that he taps out and stays on the floor while Lana poses over him like a trophy.
Video length: 17:57 min.
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