You’ve been waiting for my pretty face for a long time Slave, haven’t you? I know what you’re thinking now, since I’m not there to see you, probably you imagine that you can drop your pants and wank one off with my image in front of you, right? Well, NO. If you dare pull that tiny pecker of yours out before I tell you, I’ll know and you will NEVER be allowed near me. Is that clear? Good… Now look at me and imagine my mouth wrapped around your cock and my tongue caressing the tip, slowly and tormenting. I bet you’d love to feel my tongue piercing on your pecker, wouldn’t you? I would stroke it really nice over my face with my mouth open so you can see a clear target and burst on my mouth like a cascade. You’re getting hard Slave? Don’t pull your cock out… I haven’t take my clothes off yet.
Video length: 4:11 min.
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