We must make sure that you are tied up really good Slave, I don’t want to see you flapping around or dropping down in pain and beg for mercy. No no, you must be up and enduring all of it. Remember, if I pull on the leash it will tighten around your neck and you can say “bye bye” to air. You can’t say we didn’t made you pretty, look how nice your cock looks with those metal clamps hanging from your balls. I think a whipping is in order for a good start, to warm you up a bit. We’re having a contest, to see which one makes you jump higher, the spanking pad or this stingy spanking wire. How about some cleaning Slave? Get down and lick our leather boots so clean that we can see our reflection in them. For being such a good Slave, we’ll allow you to have just a bit of pleasure.
Video length: 29:22 min.
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