Bound firmly in plastic wrap, this redhead slave is also left with a blindfold covering her eyes, leaving her in a state of sensory deprivation. Her devious captor grins as he positions a dildo above her mouth, the toy attached to a pistoning machine. He turns it on, letting the toy push in and out of her mouth, automatically facefucking her while he teases her body. Beneath the plastic wrap is a strong vibrator, already set up against her clit. When he turns it on, it begins buzzing away directly over her pussy, with her unable to move or do anything about it. The blonde beauty is whipped with a crop over her entire body, while she lets out muffled moans around the dildo filling her mouth. She cums over and over from the vibrator, almost enough to drive her insane. Finally, he frees her legs, but only uses this to his advantage, binding her with rope and now whipping her bare skin. Finally, he fucks her bound form, filling her with the cock she’d been craving the entire time.
Video length: 13:54 min.
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