Does the leather whip sting your skin? Oh poor Slave, you have no idea what comes next. If you have no idea what public humiliation feels like, let’s make that right. Spread your legs and stretch your hands wide, you will be tied on these poles in cold chains to feel humiliation rushing from your wrists. Hurry up, it’s almost opening time and we want people to see you. Lift your skirt up, I’m going to slam this whip on your ass so hard that you’ll match the color of the counter. Your pussy feels neglected? Maybe these pegs on your pussy lips will make you feel otherwise. Stop shivering like a wet dog, at least you’ll have some pleasure coming while my bull gets them off with his mouth. I’ll even allow him to lick you a bit, just before he pulls the pegs without opening them. Now you’re all ready to be presented to the world.
Video length: 27:12 min.
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