You’ve been a bad boy and you must be punished. You will sit down quietly and watch your gorgeous Mistress Chloe riding a man as not even in your dirtiest dreams would she ride you. See how she arches her back and moves her ass so nicely on that dude’s crotch? She would’ve done that to you if you would’ve obeyed her. But you had to be a smartass and talk back. Now you suffer looking at her pressing her pussy so hard and moving like she’s fucking. It’s only a dry hump for now because she wants to see the pain in your eyes as she bends over and offers herself as a treat. How much you would’ve enjoyed her ass on your crotch, even with pants on? What do you know, even with her panties on, she’s getting off. That means that there’s a monster cock in those jeans, but that something you know nothing about, since you have a tiny little dick.
Video length: 4:05 min.
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