Patience is a virtue Slave and now you must show me that you own it. You’ll sit put and not move a muscle while I enjoy this yogurt in front of you. If I even see your dirty mouth licking itself with desire, I’ll make sure you regret it for the rest of your days. You can stare at my foot for now, don’t you dare try to look beyond it, even if I am sure you’re all eager to see the rest of me and my white lace lingerie. I’m wearing this for me, not for you, is that understood? Just fix your eyes on my sole and let your desire eat you from inside. Oh, am I tormenting you when I show a bit more moving around? Otherwise I can’t explain why you’re so tense and shivering and why you look like you’re ready to jump and eat me on the spot.
Video length: 4:42 min.
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