How much would you like to stick your face between Chloe’s tits right now Slave? They are not huge but they are round, firm and perfect in any other way. You’d love to stick your tongue out and walk it all over those boobs, pinching the nipples with your lips, then lick them a bit and going full mouth on them afterwards… A big cock could fit nicely between them rubbing itself on her soft skin and pushing towards her sexy mouth. You can almost see them filled with cum all over, dripping away. Do you have a big cock to put between your Mistress’s tits and make her feel like a woman Slave? No, of course you don’t. Your little dong does a single job: pee. Chloe would not even feel it if you slap it on her tits, let alone let you titty fuck her and cum all over her face and tits.
Video length: 5:08 min.
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