There you are… what do you think? You like? Why are you surprised that I’m here? Ok, so… I didn’t tell you that I was coming, but… I wanted to surprise you. I haven’t seen you in a while. I know you told me “no”, but come on now, you can’t say ducking no to me, ok? What? You though you can be like be done with this? Be done with our little fun play time? Ha ha, no sweetine, ok? I’m not going anywhere, ok? See, I fulfilled your little fantasy, now it’s time for you to keep fulfilling mine. That was the deal, remember? What’s the matter? You can’t fucking keep it going? I know you want to… Look at me! I know you love me… and I know you love this body. That cute little tiny ass… Oh, you can’t keep off your thoughts for me, you know that! Don’t tell me that shit, ok? It’s your own fucking fault, you’re the one that’s married, see? I’m fucking single, I can do whatever the fuck I want. Now you on the other hand, you made a decision! And, you chose to fuck with me, ok? Just play your little fantasies with me. Yeah, so you want me to keep my mouth shut and you want me to, you know, not come around your little house, then you know the deal: you give me your money and I keep my mouth shut and I stay out of the picture. What’s the matter? You’re not gonna continue to give me my money? Yeah, well… how about your wife? Yeah, your fucking wife will find out, trust me… Oh, you don’t think I’ll go to your fucking wife? Ooh, honey… you have no idea how crazy I am when one of you cuts me off. Like look at this, you really think this sexy hot women right here is a sweetheart on the inside? Honey, I just play that. Yeah, you don’t give me my money every week like we agreed, I’m gonna fucking go to your wife. And I’m gonna tell you all of the things that we do together. All the text messages, all the phone calls that you called me on and all the little skype-ing and all the nice little weekend gateways that we did… You think I’m joking, don’t you? No no no, I am dead fucking serious. Give me my money right now or I’m gonna run and tell your wife. You see my phone over there? My phone is over there! I have your wife’s fucking number… You want me to go grab it and show you? Because I will! Yeah, that’s right, that’s right! You better fucking do what I say, ok? That’s right! Don’t fucking hesitate, ok? You know the deal. Keep me happy and I’ll stay away. So come on, take off your pants for me… Here, let me get you turned on. That’s right…
Now, start stroking your cock for me. I said FUCKING DO IT, all right? I don’t wanna come here and keep playing games with you. Fucking stroke your cock for me. Right? I didn’t bust my ass driving all the way over here to see you, play with you and then not get my money’s worth. Do you want me to go call your wife right now? Because I will… That’s right, keep stroking your cock! Tell me how much you love me, how much you love caressing this sexy little asian body! What are you doing? Stop it! I want you to keep fucking going, ok? Ah, really? Do I have to keep calling you over and over again? I don’t give a fuck if it’s called blackmail, all right? I will go to your fucking wife’s work, I will show her the videos of us… oh yes, I have fucking videos as well honey… and audio recordings. Oh, and by the way, I know where your kids go to school too, so I will let your kids know what daddy’s doing when he’s not around mommy. You want me to do that? Because I’ll fucking will. That’s right, keep stroking your cock.
Ooh, you fucking admire me, worship this body, worship me… tell me how much you want me in your life, how much you need me… That’s right! Stop hesitating! What the fuck is wrong with you? All right? Now you’re making me all irritated and frustrated, I’m trying to enjoy my fucking self here, ok? Yeah, it’s all about me, ok? Not about you, about ME! Come on, get it fucking together! How many times do I have to fucking tell you, I’m gonna tell your fucking wife about this fantasy shit that you do on the side. Do you want me to tell her about Stephanie? About our little play dates and all? I’m dead serious… fucking bitch, hurry up and continue playing with yourself. That’s right!
Now come over here and start lightly kissing my gorgeous legs…that’s right… now work your way up to my belly… See now, that feels really good. Now kiss my nipples… Yeah, just like that. See? That wasn’t that hard, was it? Why are you pulling back from me? Seriously? You’re killing my buzz, you know that? How many fucking god damn times do I have to tell you? I will go to your fucking kids too. You don’t think I know where they’re at after school too? I know where they’re active these are. I know what friends they go to. Mh, exactly, all right? So keep jerking off for me. That’s right. Now I want you to fucking come for me, all right? I want you to cum… all over yourself. Keep stroking up and down. That’s right. Ooh, look at all that cum, coming all out, bursting all out of your fucking cock. Well thank you for that. See? That’s right, I fucking own you. So het that through your fucking thick ass hat, I OWN YOU!
Video length: 10:00 min.
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