This is what I would do to your cock Slave, holding it firmly in my hands and shaking it to the grounds. If you are wondering why am I doing this to a strapon and not directly to you… well, look down and tell me if that’s a cock or something else. Would you want to touch that if you were me? I didn’t think so… Put some lube on it and squeeze the head really good, that’s where all the juice lays and I want to see it getting out. Come on, tub it just like me and let’s see if I can’t somehow make this dildo cum before you. I bet that your cumming is so small that you don’t even know when it’s happening. If your cock would be this big, I would jump with my mouth on it and suck it off dry, I’d even turn around and let you fill my holes and make me cum. Too bad you don’t have an actual cock and you have to live with that thing.
Video length: 5:52 min.
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