Very few slaves ever look as defeated as this one does. He hangs his head low the very minute he comes into the room. That’s the sign of a good mistress. She’s broken him down to the point he can no longer keep his head up. This guy knows he’s worthless and if he forgets, his mistress will be there to remind him. Right now what she needs is a foot massage. Most guys would be enjoying seeing a sexy pair of legs like hers. It’s clear that this slave has been conditioned to the point that he no longer gets enjoyment from anything. He does need to learn how to give better foot massages. At times he sends shivers of pain down the leg of his mistress by being too forceful on her feet. After the message her slave doesn’t get to rest. He’s got to go take care of the housework as his mistress is far too busy laying on the couch to do it.
Video length: 3:50 min.
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