Mira Cuckold is one hot brunette with a beautiful body and a pretty face. She’s the type of woman that likes to be in charge and that’s why she became a dominatrix. Many guys want to get the chance to act like her slave and let her dominate them, but her slave of choice is Cage Tim. He’s a complete loser that is ready to do anything just to be close to Mira’s hot body. Today she had something different in mind. She told Tim to get dressed nicely and put on his mask. Then she made him lay on the bed on his back and she decided it was a good idea to sit on his face with that tight ass of hers. She didn’t even take her jeans off because Tim doesn’t deserve to touch her perfect butt directly. After sitting on his face for twenty minutes, she even came hard while he was struggling to breathe the entire time she was on him.
Video length: 23:23 min.
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