Not all mistresses like to be cooped up in a dungeon during summertime. That’s why this one decided to take her slave outside for a change. It was a nice day and even slaves deserve a little sunshine from time to time. That doesn’t mean he’s totally off the hook. He’ll have to enjoy that sunshine while sniffing her feet. At first the slave doesn’t seem to like how his mistress’s toes smell. It doesn’t take her long to put him right in his place. It’s not his job to like the scent of her toes. His job is to sniff them and that’s it. It’s quite obvious that this slave still has quite a bit of learning to do. Though, everyone should give the guy an A for effort. After all, he wasn’t totally distracted by the nice day or the fact that he was out in public.
Video length: 5:01 min.
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