You couldn’t have picked the worst day to mess up with me Slave. I just have that mood to put my cat woman clothes in their role and break your neck then sweep the floor with your face. I’m sure you think that your crowbar is gonna help, but you can’t even move properly while I hold you down. The more you struggle, the more you have the chance of having something broken in your body. What, you don’t like the taste of my jeans in your mouth? I’ll take them off and make you eat my sweat while I hold you in my neck scissor. You’re no match for me at wrestling slave, but I must say, I do enjoy seeing you suffer and grasping for air while I hold you between my thighs. While you’re lying there unconscious, I’ll give a nice treat to your flat cock. At least he’s stronger than you.
Video length: 20:49 min.
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