Just when Cage Tim thought that Mira Cuckold had her fun sitting on his face in a pair of jeans, she decided to go on. She felt a little sorry for him because he can’t even feel her perfect ass on his face so she took off her clothes and left only her sexy underwear on. When she thought that he had enough time to breathe and come to his senses, it was time for some more face sitting. Each time that she sits on his face, she tries to see how long can he hold without a breath. Surely the fact that she’s wearing only underwear will help him breathe easier. Sadly, that is not what happens to him. As time goes on, breathing is harder and harder by the minute and he’s feeling very weak and helpless. The only thing that can ease his struggle is a nice closeup view of mistress’s Mira’s tight ass.
Video length: 22:28 min.
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